الخميس، 28 مارس 2013

المنزل المنزلق (Sliding house)

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لأي استفسار أرسل لنا سؤالك على بريدنا عن طريقة زيارة صفحة اتصل بنا

Russell Ross and his wife Sally live in rural Suffolk (UK) at home, at first glance, resembles a huge warehouse. But a simple building with really rough architecture a unique project – “Rolling Home» (Sliding house). Just a few minutes the roof of the house may go in the truest sense of the word. facade wood for building, hiding under a real home, place on the tracks and with a strong motor may be removed at the request of the owner. Part of the house “internal” which is made of glass and summer provides an excellent platform for review under high stretching British air fields and pastures. In the winter damp the same time, when they want warmth and comfort, the facade above is a good protection against wind and weather. authorship office property projects dRMM Architecture architecture, which Russia will provide a simple task: “To build a house to meet the age, grow vegetables, have fun and enjoy the East of England. “

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